Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sending quilts to NC for Hurricane Helene

 Here is a post for where we will be sending quilts on Monday...

Thanks to KS for contributing so many kids quilts!!! We will get them Blessed on Sunday, then sent on their way.

Message from quilter in NC...

Update:  we delivered all of your beautiful quilts, blankets and afghans and sleeping bags.  While we were at Lo & Behold we saw a mountain of quilts so my sweet hubby, Kim and I, offered to sort.  We got to the bottom of the pile and along came UPS and Federal express with more so we sorted them.  What a blessing.  No we were not using heavy equipment or using a chain saw but while we sorted Brittany delivered a load to one of the local churches.  They told her the ones she took yesterday were already gone and they were so excited to receive a new load.   So your donations mattered and will matter.  Even if Black Mountain no long needs them other places will as they were hit even harder.  So keep em coming if you would like.  We will keep delivering.  Thank you is not big enough!  The quilting community totally rocks.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

October mtg

 Good meeting... while half the crew had made other plans, we had a couple of visitors, Martha (parishioner) and Vivian (her friend from Htfd Sr Center), so we had 6 people there.

One quilt was pin-basted (I'll hand-stitch at home), one top (Dee's) completed (needs ironing, and batting extended- I'll do it at home), one top (our homework) has a plan - borders arranged.

Just needs a Blessing...

Below needs border options 

Needs outer border...

Below will come home with me. To hand-quilt. 

Good job, ladies!!!


Sunday, September 8, 2024

Quilt to parents in West Bank, Palestine


At a lovely dinner @ Sandy Bell's,  we were able to send one of our quilts off to the West Bank, to reside with the parents of a college student who was arrested by the Israelis (no charges yet) in April.

A Kawandi was also made (as an alternative- due to weight restrictions on flights), but we were happy to know Fr Fadi from St Peters church in the West Bank will take both to the parents.
The quilts name is appropriately named (Forget-Me-Not).


Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Update on Quilts sent out to MI

 Peace by Piece Quilts go to Michigan

Recently, PeacebyPiece Quilters was made aware of a tragic event that happened in Rochester Hills, MI. A gunman opened fire at a splash pad, wounding nine people, including two children aged 8 (critical) and 4. Their mother was also critically injured. In a separate incident a few days later in the same county, an police officer was ambushed in a traffic incident and was fatally shot.  He left behind a wife, three daughters, and a child on the way.

We were fortunate to be able to send a quilt to each of these 14 individuals to try and bring some comfort. Rev. Anne was able to do an "emergency blessing" before we shipped 2 large boxes to the police department. Someone there will deliver our quilts, along with their respective letters that are sent with each quilt that we make.

With this recent shipment, we have depleted our resources to purchase needed supplies and cover shipping costs when quilts are mailed out of the area. If you would like to help replenish those resources we welcome donations. Please make checks to St. Peter's noting "PbPQ" in the memo. Thank you for supporting us in all the ways that you do.

If you know of someone going through a catastrophic illness/situation and we can provide some comfort, please contact Nancy Eaton at

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Nine quilts for Splash pad survivors

 June 15th, nine people, including two children (ages 4 and 8) were shot while playing at a Rochester Hills (MI) splash pad. 

We were able to contact someone through the Oakland county police department, Sgt. Sennel Threlkeld who agreed to graciously see that our quilts would find their way to each of the injured parties. Hopefully, they will find comfort with these quilts.

Two childrens quilts 

Hopefully, they will find some peace and comforts...

Thank you Sgt Threlkeld.

Friday, April 26, 2024

A Fun Road Trip to Mardens in Maine!

What a fun day at Mardens!!!

The two "newbies" loved it... only sorry Fran didnt have a passenger with her. But between "someone" blowing thru a red light (yes, that yellow light was all of 2 seconds!!-no accident or ticket), the traffic(!) on the way up (where the hell was everyone going!!??), a little on the way back (okay, 'rush hour'), low tires (not mine), LOBSTER ROLLS, fabric (!!) with Elizabeth and Chance, 14 yds of free fabric for 14 quilts donated to their Project Linus group,  whoopie pies @ $1.50ea, ice cream, going NORTH on Rte95 when going HOME (scenic route) should have gone south), sun in our eyes BOTH ways!, the crazy discussions on the way home causing me to take a wrong (early) exit that led to a " bizarre " (my word...) route to church(!).... a great time was had by all.

Photos are of just MY fabrics! We all spent a crazy amount of money on fabrics, but so much was less than $5-6.99/yd...a bunch was $2/yd!


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Updated our project totals on the Sidebar

 Finally, got a chance to update our sidebar.... 

There are several quilts in the works, but I've gone through our history books and made sure everyone of them were accurately accounted for.

Congratulations to the ladies from the last 17 yrs who have contributed in SO many ways to make, complete, donate, deliver many of our projects. Our group has outlived many of our original members...And much thanks to the community who support us in SO many ways. We love you ..... you keep us going!!  So sincerely,  Nancy Eaton.

Monday, October 2, 2023

Oops, skipped Sept post

 Just reminding all about our next mtg this coming Saturday,  Oct 7th, 9am-2pm.

We have LOTS of quilt tops that need to be sandwiched (and YES, they have backing already prepped!). 

"Altar-ier Motive"

"NYC Lights"

"Foggy Rivers"


"Red Liner" with possible border.

Backing for NYC Lights

"Which Way do i Go?"
And backing...

"Ugg quilt" below

"Norma's Choice"
...and backing...

Those will be the focus. We will have one "set" that may just be sent off to #quiltsforsurvivors in Canada and we'll let them put it together or, as two tops (since the pieced backing is so fancy). Below..."Hashtag"

and backing...

"Hidden Tigers" and backing

Dee has a top that I hope we can finish, too. 

Hopefully, we can see some light at the end of the tunnel, by finishing these quilts (tie or quilting) by the next mtg in November.  Which is the last mtg of the calendar year. Or, at least taking them home, to work on in December. 

I also, hope to post each December, the total quilts made for the year. If i do some research, I'll have a total for #peacebypiecequilters EVER! 

(I was SO good pre-covid... I'll get better and on-track. I promise!)