Monday, March 17, 2025

Few more "critter" quilts

 Picked up three quilts from Kathy and got one more top done (me, Nancy). I'm running out of my supply of critters... guess i have to buy more (lol).

My new design...

Kathy's three finished ones

This one is reversable... she used my aunts orphan butterfly block.

I also have five more I'm saving for my aunt to turn right side out, so I can finish them.

Thanks ladies!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 1st Mtg of PeacebyPiece quilters


Good mtg today...
Five of us there, plus a member of the South Windsor community who became aware of us thru social media and dropped off three adorable quilts. She may even join us in future mtgs. Missed our local police stopping by, but I'm sure they were busy.

Maria got her quilt pin-basted, Dee worked on her backing for her little quilt,  Jane/Maria and I worked on tying/finishing several quilts.

 Lots of tying/finishing going on!!

Trimming the edges, before turning right side out. 

We ended up with 45 new Comfort Critters to set up at our altar to be Blessed.


Thursday, February 27, 2025

Kathys Feb quilts


Here are Kathys 7 quilts she was able to make for us. It may be a smaller amount from her next month, as its tax season and we are all busy...

Thanks Kath, they are lovely!!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Critter project news!

 I do have 'great news' on our critter project! While we may get a visit on Saturday from Officer Ron Littell from SW police at our mtg on Sat, we also have interest from the Community Relation officer in Manchester's (CT) police dept AND possibly interest from SW fire dept (specifically for car accidents) for accepting our little critters.

We also have a quilter (Ann Smyser of PA), who has donated two shipments of little quilts (50 total) for our project. We can hold onto these for future deliveries! The most recent box of 30 are posted here... see previous post for her first batch.

While only see 25, some are duplicates, so i didnt include their photos.

I also have a few more of mine (Nancy's)...

Before...This one (9-patch) i didnt like, until I quartered it and spun two blocks to reset. Added 2 frames and now i love it!

Found some Halloween prints/blocks...


We are VERY Blessed!!

Keep up the great work!!!