Sunday, August 31, 2014

Back to Business

Well, you know we are getting ready to start the new "year" (for us) when I set up the meetings. We will go back to meeting on the 1st Monday of the month, however, Sept (it's the 2nd Mon) and we don't meet for Dec, AND (lol) in Jan, Apr, and June we meet on the first Sat (skip the Monday for those months), but because of Holy week, we'll meet on the 2nd Sat in April,  then 'retire' for the summer. Have I confused you yet?  See the dates on the side bar to the right of this blog... lol.

Can't wait to see everyone and hear/see what they've done over the summer and where we will go this year.

How about an annual report for our group for the church's annual meeting? Do we have time to put one together? Let's really try this year.

I delivered a few quilts this summer. I think the child sized quilts we have we'll bring to the CT Children's Medical Center. I'll see what we have in the next week or two.
"Go Fish" went to my sister-in-law's mom, a 92 yr old woman who fell and broke her hip. She had had surgery Aug 8th, so I sent one to her.
 One of our parishioner's was in the hospital and had a stroke while there... she got to pick hers out. Chose "Snowballs at the Beach" - perfect wheelchair sized. Delivered it to her at the rehab center.

These two went to WI- to the Heartstrings sew-in to be finished and sent to their local hospice center for a couple of veterans. Here is the note I recieved from Kathy who will get them finished. 

Thanks so much for the great quilt, tops and pillowcase that arrived 
today.  Here I am sitting in the middle of the country and you two are 
about as far apart from each other as any two people could get in the 
US.  Marsha is from Los Angeles and Nancy is from Connecticut.  I so 
appreciate your willingness to help out our local hospice service and I 
know they and the veterans and their families appreciate your work too,

Please take care and we will be thinking about you July 26 when we have 
our next sew-in.Kathy in WI 
Mountain Waves

 American Leftover Diamonds

I  hope to finish the quilt tops we have organized... We'll probably need batting this year. That will be our "donation request" for the year. Goodness knows we don't need fabric!! 

I have been using up a few things to create some tops, but I don't DARE bring them in until we finish up what we have in stages. I'll be in there (the cupboards) this weekend, hopefully to see where we stand. 

Can't wait until we meet in a couple of weeks, ladies!!