Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dunkin Donuts Quilt- bye bye

I got a request for one of our quilts for a friend (in her late 50's) of our former deacon, Karen Fedorchak. Karen's friend is undergoing surgery for breast cancer and she wanted to know if we had one without a home.
I chose the "Dunkin' Donut" quilt, hot pink and oranges against black and whites. I LOVE this one. I thought it had breast cancer fabric in it, but that was another one. I think she'll like it too.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Tropical Tiles Heartstrings Quilt

This little beauty which I've decided to name "Tropical Tiles" was put together by Anna Robillard and put together (from the borders out) by the rest of the ladies at the beginning of this year.  It was blessed during a Sunday service. the ties are extra long, so prayers may be tied into it by doctors, nurses, visitors, etc so that comfort might be gotten from the knots (prayers) you feel in the ties.
We got an emergency request for a 47-48 yr old woman with leukemia, from a member of Heartstrings quilt Project (yahoo group)- Mavie Quarles. I offered to send this one, since it had no home. I mailed it off to Jackie L in Maine today. She is a registered nurse at a medical center, in the adult cardiac intensive care unit, has gone on numerous healthcare missions to other countries, just the kind of women you really respect and care about. Hope if brings some peace and comfort to you ,Jackie. Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Mavie.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March Madness...?

Well, this was a productive mtg!! First of all, the pillowcases we made for Jan and Feb (for the's/  1,000,000 Pillowcase Challenge) gave us a total (made from the group) to be....(da tah dah daa!), 89!! Thirty-seven will go to the Con-Kerr Cancer organization, 20 will go to the local shelter and 32 to Alycia (member of HeartstringsQuiltProject) for her QOV quilts. I had the ones we made, prior to this mtg, blessed in last Sunday's church service, so I'll deliver them this week to the respective places.

These are some quilts that one of our members donated to our cause. The Drunkard's Path is more for my reference to go with a set of plastic rulers she gave to me. The Black/White and the other green one are Lasagna Style quilts, and the red/green one looked like a slice and dice quilt. (Note the pillowcases in the baskets? They're already blessed.)
This one really just needs a border (I think they found a gold fabric), but it also needs a larger one (maybe teal?)... We'll see. It's for a 9-yr old girl swimmer with bone cancer (relative of a parish member). Do you see the star? "Swimming Star"?... Get it?

We had quite a few members last night and it was good, because we needed to find a few things for upcoming quilt requests (one for a premmie), so Anna & I sorted (some even took strings/crumbs home to sort), and got rid of some fabrics we know we'll never use. We'll use them for more heartstring quilts.

Muriel, Marilyn and Enid worked on Chandler's quilt. Marilyn donated the pretty blue binding for this quilt. It just set it off beautifully! The pattern is a Wonky Happy Block put together by Janet G. Nice work, Janet. Even the back looks beautiful! Mom has one more side to finish. I'll post that photo later.
One of our members, Enid finished a beautiful yellow heartstring quilt. Not sure where it's going yet, but once we get it blessed this coming Sunday, we may have a taker.

I also, finished fixing a border on this beautiful quilt  made by one of our members (it was "waving at us"). It was nice to go there a little early (2:30-3pm-ish) to set up and sew in the quiet of the church hall. It's no longer waving so frantically, lol.

This one was found in our quilting area, must have been done by a quilt fairy... We're gonna donate it to Heartstrings Quilt Project. It's bigger than we feel we can quilt. Great QOV quilt, though when Mary gets done quilting it.

We are also planning a trip to Marden's - right after Easter- to buy fabric for backings (mostly), but I'm sure those that come will be spending some money to fill their own stash. It's a great place to get fabric (although it's in Sanford, ME- 3.5 hrs away) at a really reasonable price ($2.00-$3.50 vs. $10-12 a yd, for the same designer fabrics... RJR, Kaufman, Timeless Treasures, etc). I'm gonna hit it again in May when I'm on vacation, but this one will be a 'field trip' for the group. We set aside 4 quilt tops that need a back...we'll bring them with us. What fun!