Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Update on Quilts sent out to MI

 Peace by Piece Quilts go to Michigan

Recently, PeacebyPiece Quilters was made aware of a tragic event that happened in Rochester Hills, MI. A gunman opened fire at a splash pad, wounding nine people, including two children aged 8 (critical) and 4. Their mother was also critically injured. In a separate incident a few days later in the same county, an police officer was ambushed in a traffic incident and was fatally shot.  He left behind a wife, three daughters, and a child on the way.

We were fortunate to be able to send a quilt to each of these 14 individuals to try and bring some comfort. Rev. Anne was able to do an "emergency blessing" before we shipped 2 large boxes to the police department. Someone there will deliver our quilts, along with their respective letters that are sent with each quilt that we make.

With this recent shipment, we have depleted our resources to purchase needed supplies and cover shipping costs when quilts are mailed out of the area. If you would like to help replenish those resources we welcome donations. Please make checks to St. Peter's noting "PbPQ" in the memo. Thank you for supporting us in all the ways that you do.

If you know of someone going through a catastrophic illness/situation and we can provide some comfort, please contact Nancy Eaton at