Monday, May 18, 2009

Perfect timing!

I've been working on a few things for the group at home... finished our strippy quilt's quilting (needs to be trimmed and bound), made a few black HS blocks, etc. , but I've been so busy with the May fair that I haven't even gone online much. But sometimes, something happens at the right time, and you never know why.
While I was at the fair, running around crazily, trying to find last minute things for people, a woman walked up to me... I saw her coming at me and thought "What does Anne need?" hoping it was in the direction that I was already heading. She quietly touched my arm and said, "I was wondering if I could have your group make my cousin a quilt. He has brain cancer." Of course, I said absolutely! "That would be so great", she said. I told her I have the perfect one and asked her if she'd be at the 10am service tomorrow. The look on her face and her comments after, made me realize how shocked she was that we already had one ready to go. I think she thought maybe she could plan on one in a month or two. (I actually thought she was gonna cry).She was so touched by the idea that she could have it NOW, and send it to him, she was speechless, which made me choked up.
I had my daughter bring it over when she came to the fair and was able to give it to her that afternoon! I just need to write a note to go with it. That I could do tomorrow....
There is always a reason why some of our quilts don't have a place to go right away. I think they know there is a place for them, even if we don't. (Yes, our quilts are pretty smart!)

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