Thanks to Deanna and Delaney who brought our lunch, Potato and Artichoke soup, with some roasted garlic bread. It was delicious!! Also to Anna, who brought some hearty bread to add to our lunch.
Kathy S always seems to be setting the place on fire with what she gets accomplished at home. Here is one that she donated (finished). Since the line of fabric was called "Bermuda", we decided to call this quilt "Bermuda Birdhouses".
This one Kathy had decided a name for already...."The Generation Gap". Perfect, because it combined vintage 1940s fabrics and modern butterflies.
It's really a cute quilt!
She also had a QOV quilt top finished -with it's pillowcase (we'll be sending to Alycia in CO for someone in the Navy). It was made with leftover fabric from the quilt she made her son who was in the Navy in Afghanistan last year.
Delaney and her mom got to work tying this pretty yellow and blue snowball quilt that I believe Marilyn made and donated at the last mtg. Yellow ties in the sashing and matchy colors on the snowballs. Nice work. alled "Snowballs in the Sun".
My mom, Muriel is ironing away....At age 85, she still loves to keep busy with our quilts. She even took two home to finish the binding on. She's ironing "The Orphan Project".
Dot and Margaret work on tying this sweet peachy quilt that Marilyn made and donated. The binding is rolled up on the table next to the quilt. Makes me think of "Salt Water Taffy"... good name.
Anna and Margaret are tying this quilt that we've had for a long time. It just got put aside for other things... It was an experiment on our heartstring pattern. I think the name is "Prisms". I'll have to look back in the blog to when it got started (2008-or 2009?)
Muriel finished binding this green sudoku quilt (green checked back) that Margaret made. It ended up getting blessed the next day during our church service. to the left of it is "See the Colors in a Black and White World".
Kathy was busy at her sewing machine. Great that she got the bindings put on so many quilts. Now just for the hand work.
Quilts at the trimming station.
This quilt will get the backing rolled over for the binding. It's a great soft red with blue stars on it. Called "Dee's Dilema".
This is the finished "Green Sudoku" quilt. Muriel bound it while there.
This cute little one was made and donated by Marilyn. We put a green/white striped fabric on the back and will roll that over for the binding. I think the name just came to me... "Pretty Boxes Tied with Ribbons".
We even got to deliver a quilt to Anna's son who is suffering from Congestive Heart Failure. Donated "Back in Maine".
Great job, ladies!!!!
The ladies making these quilts are doing a wonderful job. They are beautiful! I cherish the quilt my Mom made for me, as do all of my children, brothers, and sisters. It makes me happy to see pictures of Mom at this site doing what she loves to do, quilts! Keep up the fantastic work you are doing.Praise God for the gift he has given all of you so that you can bless people with these quilts.