Sunday, May 3, 2020

Making Masks for COVID-19 workers

While we haven't keep this blog up in the last year, we have been working continuously on quilts for those needing comfort. HOWEVER....

Because we've not been able to meet to work on quilts due to the pandemic, I was contacted by a member of St. Peter's Episcopal church, Karen Kubica, who asked if I thought we could make cloth face masks for staff at the medical facility where her daughter works. I sent an email to the PBPQ ladies, mentioning this idea, which took off like a bullet!

Members (and nonmembers) started working on masks mid-March and as of May 2nd, we have made and donated 1419 masks! No photo description available.

These PBPQ quilters are Nancy Eaton, Kathy Siddons, Jane Perrin, Donna Indomenico, Maria Michele, Marcia Horan, Brenda Knickerbocker, and Dee Lotz in addition to Shirley Zeidler and Karen Kubica from St. Peters and Nancy's sister, Janet Urgo, who learned how to sew so she could help out.. They are from Manchester, South Windsor, Glastonbury, Columbia and Tolland.

Our masks have been donated to people and organizations across Connecticut. They’ve gone to nursing homes, medical practices, more than 80 group homes, home health care nurses, clergy, several hospitals, workers at “essential businesses” such as pharmacies and home improvement centers, postal workers, mental health clinicians, veterinary practices, friends, families and strangers. PBPQ masks are in multiple states, including Connecticut, Virginia, Texas, Florida, New York and Massachusetts.

These have all been DONATED. FREE.
No photo description available.

While the toughest hurdle is finding elastic (quilters always have lots of fabric), we've figured out that girls’ thin headbands or even shoe laces could be substituted (thank you dollar stores). "Yankee ingenuity"? This is where we know God steps in.

I also MUST thank over 60 individuals who have offered donations of money, elastic, hand sanitizer, (yes, even toilet paper!), spools of thread, tea, muffins, sharpies, zip-lock bags, gift card to a meal (God stepped in. After all, we’re sewing!), more money, use of and a purchase of an iron (God stepped in) since one died, tuna fish (Don’t ask. God stepped in.), furnace filters, cookies, donuts, candy, plants and the many grateful hearts of those who benefit and my grateful heart for these ladies who are invaluable to me and the causes we give our gifts to. 

I'm not sure how long this virus will continue to ravage our world, but I know I can count on these ladies to step up to the plate and be there for whatever is needed! I am truly blessed. Thank you everyone! God stepped in...

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