Saturday, December 19, 2009

Dec Update

I shipped off the Moose quilt 2 to BR on the 18th of Dec, and it should get there in 3 days or so.Oh, and I did take a photo of the back of the Moose quilt2 ... where all the moose REALLY live!

 I also have several different bindings for the Yellow Heartstring quilt, so I'm gonna cut and prepare them since I know we'll use them in other quilts.

I also took the maroon (Cranberry Crush)heartstring quilt home to finish the ties and did that while watching tv. I thought I could be soo smart and trim back the batting and roll the backing over for a binding, but one edge is almost even with the front edge, so I have to trim it exact, then add a separate binding. I did come across a great binding fabric for it, so I finished that one. My grandson, Malakai, decided to 'test the quilt' out and approved. I always wash them before we distribute them, so I didn't mind.

Maryellen brought in the Lasagna quilt and my mom finished the binding on that... we just need to add a label to it.
This is one of Pat B's heartstring quilts (I'm calling it Pat B's 4x5), that we added a dark green inner border and a great faded green/ lavendar floral to the outer border. Looks great, don'tcha think? We'll always have a need for a wheelchair-sized quilt. Good job finding those fabrics ladies!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Dec mtg Accomplishments

We had a nice turnout... not as many as I'd like to have had, but we did get a lot done! First some photos....

This is the Moose quilt for a little 10 yr old boy with lung cancer. I'm calling it "Moose on the Loose". I need to take a picture of the back since that's where all the moose really live! It's out second moose quilt for Charlotte's Garden, but made quite different from the first. All we're waiting for is the address to send it to him.
We also had a few quilts to 'finish'. Boy, it's interesting to realize that even in this group, we create UFO's. This top was made by Pat B. Here you see my mom (in the middle), with Maryellen (left) and Enid deciding on the color floss and how close to put the ties.Okay, off they go...

Pat B. brought in 4-5 Heartstring tops she'd put together of different sizes while recuperating from knee surgery. They all had the same/similar fabrics in them, but each one ended up with it's own personality. However, as per usual, Pat doesn't put on borders (she hates making that decision), so Dot and Margaret went through the fabrics we had (and some I brought from my own stash) to find borders. Here is one outer border that we didn't realize would be a perfect fit! The  picture above shows the inner border of deep green. Very classy when we get it done!

Janet G. was also working on the last Happy Block for a quilt for a little girl going through chemo treatments. She was made aware of her through her book club. I will wait to tell the 'turtle story' when you see the posted photo of the quilt in Jan.
Maryellen brought in the "Lasagna for Two" quilt (I'll post a photo soon) that she had SITD quilted, I took it home and trimmed off the batting and rolled the backing to the front for the binding. Mom will hand stitch that, then all it needs in the label.

We also made plans for our quilting event in Jan 16, 2010. It will be called "Cabin Fever"... where we'll be working on Strips and Strings style Log cabin from the HeartstringsQuiltProject blog. Scroll down on this site to see instructions. It will be held at our church from 9am-3pm. see the side bar for details.