Saturday, July 10, 2021

Critter damage at old church storage, leads to new plans


After finding squirrels had gotten at our roll of batting at our old church mtg place, I decided we needed to think of seeing if a move to my new church could accommodate our group. After meeting with Rev Anne, we found we might possibly be able to have a double closet that could suit our needs. Yippee! Looks like we could make that space work. AND it's on one floor (important feature as our group ages)! I'm excited, ladies!!

However, making another trip to our old storage, lead me to finding 'mice poo' on some of the fabrics that weren't in a closed plastic bin. Since the 'poo' was only on one set of cabinets, i moved all our finished quilts to my car (to be washed and not returned to that space. I also, emptied the 'poo' cabinet things to my trunk to be cleaned and resorted into sealed bins. Some that were sealed got moved to the clean cabinet. Onward to purchase bins and wash/sort thru fabrics.

Two days later... 

So far, one more load in the washer (washing all the fabric from our storage, since they seem to smell 'stale'), then I can sort and pack it away in plastic 'sealed' tubs. I havent ironed this much in forever! After 2 days worth, I figured out how much my back hurts. Even sitting down to iron doesn't always help. (Tough to get Really pleased to see all the beautiful fabrics we have at our disposal... I want a "Fabric Review" with all the ladies, when we get to meet again, in person. It tends to inspire us on future projects.

What's next to iron

Black yardage to iron

Washed, ironed and sorted into multi-floral, purple, bindings, blues ,and strings- by color

Mice poo on the open bins

This dresser may be able to come with us...

This is in the 'poo-free' cabinets

This is all the finished quilts and fabric that I'm bringing home to wash and sort.

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