Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thanks be to...

Sometimes we get a thank you that is just so touching, ... so appreciative, that in sharing it on our blog, I hope it inspires those who donate to continue doing what they do. Not just the quilters in our group, but those who donate batting, money for supplies, threads, fabrics, time... You are so appreciated by me and I feel blessed we can do this.
Recently, we sent a quilt to a parishioner who's been dealing with cancer and having a rough time. Here is her letter to our group.

... Dear Nancy and ALL the Peace by Piece Quilters,
 I can't tell you how surprised and honored I was to receive the absolutely beautiful quilt you made for me. I was so touched by your kind thoughts and prayers for me it brought me to tears.
The work that each of you do, Piece by Piece, Stitch by Stitch, Hand in hand, is truly a beautiful calling.
Thank you from the bottom of the heart. I know I have been "touched by Angels"....

The card that this note came in was equally beautiful and I know that it was expecially chosen for it's words...

... Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained ANGELS. (Hebrews 13:2- NKJV)
Blessed are the angels who walk with us,
 Though we are unaware
Those people who take time to listen,
 To understand and care.
Blessed are those with unseen halos
 Earned through deeds of love,
For they will always be for us
 Sweet blessing from above....

This is why we do what we do.

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