Tuesday, July 2, 2013

More Pocket Prayers

I wasn't sure how the Pocket Prayers were gonna go, but it seems like the original ten I put in the basket in the Narthex at church weren't enough. They WENT like crazy! I put them in at the 10:00am service last week, and I'd heard that they were gone by the 7:30am service the next week (we ran out).

I hadn't realized that the knitting group is also making something similar. They are knitting "Prayer Squares" with a cross knitted right in it. They are neatly packed in plastic with a prayer enclosed and are also in the Narthex of our church. I'm leaving ours UNpackaged (I'm staying 'green'), so they are uniquely different.  It was funny how we both thought of them at the same time, without the other group knowing! Great minds tend to think alike. LOL.

Guess I'm making more and getting the rest of the crew to make some soon. No sense waiting until we meet again in Sept. THEY ARE NEEDED and going like hotcakes!

Here are a few more that Kathy S made (very patriotic for the 4th of July). I added another 10, but will keep making some more that will get Blessed this Sunday.

Some nice Asian designs that have a two sided look to them (flip some over). 
I'm off to make more. They get made up so fast, it's easy to 'just keep going'.

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